Thursday 23 October 2014

More Technology & Programs

Free Software
Gimp is the “GNU Image Manipulation Program." It is a free alternative from Photoshop. It has a customizable interface, enables photo enhancement, options for digital retouching. There is hardware support and it also supports multiple file formats.

This is a program that creates 3D models from 2D pictures. Which then you can edit with, and 3D print later on. "The process works by the user identifying the object along with the relative depths. Then the software will detect the edges and creates a texture map."


This is a completely free editor program. It has a lot of professional tools and options. It's a great free option for editing and has been used to edit professional films.

Humanity 3D life:
"The H3DLife series are collections of low poly animated 3D people that you can use to quickly populate an urban scene with casual and business commuters, students, shoppers, etc. doing everyday actions like, walking (up and down stairs, walking dogs), eating (standing, sitting), using phones, laptops, tablets."

Web-based resource software
This is a website where you can upload your 3D model and share it online to friend, workers etc.

This is a photoshop plugin that allows anyone to create interactive storybook apps for ios and android without learning code.

123D catch:
123catch is a autodesk free app that allows you to scan a 3D object and then edit the model scan later on.
This is an open-source HTML5 game engine.

They offer thousands of downloadable 3D models for free.

Web Resources
11 second club:
This is an avenue to get your name out there with a simple 11 second animation. The 11 second club is a monthly charact animation competition.

TurboSquid is a digital media supply company. They have a digital library of models for free use. They have vehicles, animals, architecture, characters and anatomy, electronics, furniture and landscapes.