Tuesday 5 August 2014

Task: 3D Character Model - Rigging

There were parts in rigging that I found really hard, so I decided to try out miximo's auto-rig program. It did work and showed the animation properly but the program did not take into account my characters shape. The belly cause a problem in the animations and the armpit would break and stretch looking wrong. However the knees and elbows did bend properly. Maximo do take feedback and it'd be worth telling them to add in more things you could add in the beginning like waist line and where the neck starts etc. If there was also a way to fix the points with more detail, that would be helpful. The knees needed fixing, and after talking to Rob, I just had to treat them like the elbows, with a piece behind them for rotation.

On Miximo however, you can download animations. I found this one to suit my character well.

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