Tuesday 4 November 2014


Where do I go from here?
My plans from here are mainly to finish my folio for Uni by the 28th. Look into my career options by finding people in the industry to talk to. I've come to terms with the fact that my passion is editing, but I'm also interested in the film and animation industry and would definitely want to build my skills there. I would like to contact someone who's in editing as a profession, and look into how they got there. And if they have any advice.

What's out there in terms of:

  • Future employment (existing companies, industry sector)
My plan is to do internships for the hope that will help when looking for future employment. But at the moment because I don't know the exact job I wish to pursue I don't know what existing companies I would be looking into.
  • How things are changing (eg. big companies, grass-roots indie, mobile media vs desktops, cloud services, 2d vs 3d, local vs national/internet)
There might be a change occurring in the industry but that won't effect me because I'll be learning along the way with the change. 
  • Support for creating work (money: government and crowd source online)
In terms of money for projects, I would probably want to go to the online community because the people who would donate would also be interested in the final product.
  • My strategy for moving forward

Develop a YouTube reputation with things such as B Team Animation
Find a small job related to the industry (even at EB games or Game Traders)

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