Tuesday 4 November 2014

Uni Folio


Due: 28 Nov 

DVD, Portfolio and other supporting material

Applicants who wish to apply for the Digital Media production program in the Bachelor of Creative Arts must submit examples of their original work. The entire application should be no more than 20 items.
This work may include:
  • A DVD or CD copy of any screen-based work (no more than 15 items).
  • Written work, short-scripts, storyboards or other examples of creative conceptual planning, including concept documents or works in development (no more than 10 pages).
  • Examples of photography, original art work, graphic design or other visual material (a small portfolio, ie no more than 10 examples). Can be either printed, on-line or on disc.
  • Evidence of an ability in the producing or production management of digital media products, including preparation of budgets and production planning/user documentation, grant proposals (no more than 10 pages).
  • Other materials you feel would strengthen your application (no more than 10 pages).
Applicants must also submit a statement of no more than two pages (500 words) in length, explaining their reasons for wanting to study for a Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media) and indicating their preparedness for this type of study.
In this Statement, the applicant should answer the following questions:
  1. Why do you wish to undertake Digital Media at Flinders?
  2. Where would you like to work on completion of your training? 

Folio options:
- walk cycles
- game cycle
- heavy vs light
- dance
- model
- model animation
- warehouse model
- title animation
- commissioned trailer?

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