Thursday 5 June 2014

Sound Editing

I was surprised about how small audio edits in Vegas (putting dialogue above music) has actually helped my editing of sound. Although now I'm aware of all the categories of sound from Foley, Ambient, FX, Dialogue and Music. FX are definitly something I want to learn more about. The ways you can change the sound to suit what you're working with would be very nice to know. 

The first sound editing we did I enjoyed because we were able to change things, such as the music in the background, which definitly changed the whole feel of the animation. Making the wolf seem more dramatic and putting Red riding hood in danger instead of it being a lovely walk in the forest.

I've added sound to multiple files, including old projects. Such as the Robot animation:

I've also added sound to my walk cycles, but just the steps and ambient noise. If I put these walk cycles in show reel, I could add in the background music later.

The main animation I added to sound to and tried to perfect was the Heavy VS Light project. When I first edited it, I wasn't aware of how to add FX. Once I found out how, I changed parts that were annoying me like the sound of the brick crashing because it sounded hallow but there were no other FX avaliable. Instead I layered some other crashing and pitched it down, this worked a lot better to make the brick sound like it was falling apart.

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