Tuesday 27 May 2014

Business Jobs

Skills I need for future business. We divided up jobs between us and chose what we prefer, as well as including the other things we know we'll be doing. These are my responsibilities:
  • Manager of Accounting & Finance
Right now, I'm doing the budget for the Comission but also just to get estimates of how much money we'd need even if we don't get the Comission. I'll be looking into the possibility of a kickstarter/plausible and what people could get if they pledge a specific amount of money.
  • Director and Co-Director
I wouldn't be the Director for our main production, The Last Exorcist, but we plan to do other short series. Especially if we don't get the comission, the plan is to do short animations instead of our large project first. These would be the projects I would oversee, produce and direct. 
  • Animator
I'd be doing 3D and 2D animation. 3D for The Last Exorcist, 2D for the shorts we plan to create.
  • Voice Actor
I'm starting to look at tutorials and videos, notable Jonah Scott's videos so far. And I'm looking into getting the same Microphone and equipment as him. I'm thinking that I'll open a blog for voice acting attempts of characters from shows and movies. Probably orphan black characters because theirs a large amount of characters and different voices. 
  • Editor
Maddie has said that she definitly wants me to edit the trailers together, I've done a few trailers in the past but recently I made one that shows my improvement in editing. This is a trailer I did for an RPG on tumblr. I'd like to edit the animations together too, but since I haven't done that yet but I've done trailers, I only know for sure that I could do the trailer edits.
  • Manager of Content
This is managing our scheduling, as well as what content we're doing and when we'll be working on it. Mainly I got this because I'm already scheduling things that we're meant to have done if my mates want to have the trailer done by next year.
  • Manager of Podcasts
This is a way in the future thing I'll be doing when we start to do Podcasts. Which might be long down the track, or earlier as a way to get our audio skills up.
  • Manager of Merchandise
One of the main ways productions get money is through merch and marketing and this is something I have a little bit of experience with. I'm thinking that we could also sell fan designs using the same concept that DFTBA uses. They have a royalty agreement that really like the fan gets half the profit and so do we, but this is once things are out there and we have a community.
  • Producer
I don't know enough of what a producer does to be sure that this is a responsibility of mine but it's definetly a job I need to look into. Producing and managing is something I'd like to do but I need to understand more about it first.

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