Thursday 15 May 2014

Task: Light VS Heavy

When it came to the Ideation Stage, I didn't have much inspiration for the project. I instead focused on things that first came to mind when looking at Light and Heavy and made a list. From people versing each other with weights, to a metal bender versing an airbender, or even an elephant versing a small bird. One of my favourite ideas was a brick versing a feather, where the feather would win. I knew though that what I had endevoured in my head wouldn't work with 2D animation, I dumbed it down a little to have it work better with After Effects. Initally I wanted the Brick to dramatically fall from above over the feather, but I decided that it falling on the ground like so would be better. The ideation stage I usually enjoy, but it does depend on whether I have multiple ideas or not. And since I didn't, I was nervous about the ideas I had. 

The concept stage was interesting to me, but with the Brick and Feather concept, it was quite an easy task to design the basics. But getting the emotion across on the Brick that it was angry took a quick google image search, leaving me with the lesson that emotion seemed to be all in the eyebrows. For the feather however, I ended up just finding a feather online and using the pen tool to trace. I mucked around with different colours but ultimately, the Brick colour was a very standard Brick colour, trying to make it obvious what it was. And the feather, just looked best with the grey. Without the lines, they both stood out more and looked more stylised. I really did like using Illustrator for this, and being able to muck around with different ideas like outlines and colouring.

Animating is definitly my favourite stage, like getting a story onto paper. I found a few complications, like with the 3D brick falling over properly, but Shane helped me figure out what I could do to cheat around it. Working with a 3D rectangle was a challenge, but it was interesting. I definitly liked animating the feather, because it looked as realistic as I could get it. And I was very proud of it. 

Shane coming in was a highlight of this project. There was so much information he gave us, and I found all of it relevant to what I plan to do in the future. For instance, talking about how rising sun hire people who are generalists who have a focus but also how he asked around the class where we want to find ourselves. Me personally, I said I'd love to get into being a Producer. Shane said you do have to know bits and pieces of everything to manage everybody, because you can speak their lingo. I understand this, and hope that I can learn bits and pieces of everything and become a generalist who can manage others. I want to now go off and do so many other courses. I'm definitly more enthusiastic about my future and learning everything I can from this course. 

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